Stump Dump
STICKERS: Purchase a purple sticker for $20.00 at the Co-operative Transfer Station on 34 Buttermilk Drive. The sticker is a 2-year sticker that will expire on 12-31-2024. This sticker covers the use of the Stump Dump and the Transfer Station.
WHO CAN USE THE STUMP DUMP? The Stump Dump is for Thomaston Residents only. Any use by contractors doing work for Thomaston Residents must get prior authorization by calling (207) 354-2478.
The following items are ACCEPTED as Demo:
Asphalt Shingles, Tar Paper, Sheetrock, Vinyl Siding, Small Cardboard, Pressure Treated Wood, Painted Wood, Rope, Small Plastic Items, Household Furniture, Rugs, Box Springs, Mattresses, Porcelain, Fiberglass Plumbing Fixtures, Ceiling Tiles, Wooden Shingles, Insulation, Cellulose, PVC Drain Pipe, Flooring Tiles, Foam Backings
The following are NOT ACCEPTABLE:
PLASTICS including all buckets, BLUE TARPS, CLEAR POLY, BLACK WATER PIPE, HOUSEHOLD TRASH, Cardboard, Tires, Batteries, Oil, Asbestos, TV’s, Computers, Radios, Fluorescent Light Bulbs, METAL i.e: PAINT CANS, LUMBER BANDS
CLOSURE: The Village Cemetery brush dump located at the end of Dwight Street is closed to the public due to people dumping trash, building debris, and brush inside the gate and in the upper field of the Public Works Garage. Violators will be prosecuted.