Thomaston Environmental Department

The Thomaston Environmental Department services and maintains various areas of need for our community. The key responsibilities of the department include the Lagoon Treatment Facility, the Waste Water/Clean Drain Water/Storm Water Collection System, the Town Solar Array, and the Town Trail System. Other areas of responsibility include underground locating and marking of piping and various facilities for the purpose of excavation and construction, assisting the Code Enforcement Department with inspections of related connections to the various systems mentioned above, and reviewing of plans and drawings related to construction in the town. As the safety office, we direct, train and inspect all areas of safety related to the Town and its departments. 
Sewer Use Fees/Billing
The Town of Thomaston quarterly sewer billing for residents and monthly billing for commercial and industrial users is based on water meter readings provided by Maine Water Company for residential, commercial and industrial users connected to the public sewer. 
For more billing information, please call Maine Water during normal working hours at 207-282-1543 or visit

The Lagoon Treatment Facility

The facility consists of a head works building which includes a large foreign debris removal system, three aerated treatment lagoons, one large storage lagoon and seven spray fields. The facility was brought online in the late 1990's.

All waste water enters the head works building and passes through a filter rack. Large foreign debris is removed then the contents pass into lagoon number one. The waste undergoes intense aeration and mixing. Good bacteria is grown and breaks down organic materials. The flow continues through lagoon numbers two and three with further aeration and mixing until it reaches the large storage lagoon. After passing the large lagoon, at this point it has been treated for a period lasting 3-4 months. Waste water is then dispersed over a five-field land application.The spraying and mixing through the air disperses the waste over an even target completing the process by soaking into the ground. Once the water has entered the land it continues downward through sand, clay, rock and other sediments that all in total spanning 15' to 500' feet in depth, then it reaches the aquifers and become drinking water.

We have two separate ice-making spray fields that also discharge to the land. Over time, the spray fields have become a lush active ecosystem filled with a wide variety of plant life, insect species and animal life which are all vital to the treatment process. The facility is federally and state regulated. The entire facility is a biohazardous process and only trained, vaccinated, authorized personnel using universal precautions are permitted to be in direct contact with the lagoon contents and the field areas.


Thomaston Collection System

The first settlers of Thomaston used open ditches and pits. No indoor plumbing was available for use. As time progressed, citizens joined together to create make-shift sewers that combined and ran directly to the river. In the late 1800's Town installed and somewhat maintained sewers were present but still basically discharged to the river. In the 1960's an Activated Sludge Plant was implemented (located at what now is known as Public Landing.) After thirty plus years, it was replaced with what we currently use. 

For the most part the majority of in-town homes and businesses were converted over to a new modern sewer system linked by a series of pumping stations and then sent to the lagoon system. Storm drains were installed as roads were repaired or reworked. The old sewer system was converted to clean water drains for use as roof/yard run off and connected in the basements of all those who had a portal.  

Thomaston Solar Array

Town Solar Array

The largest solar array is located behind the Lagoon Treatment Facility, with 1,290 panels that generates an estimated 650,000 kWH of power each year to serve electricity needs of all town-owned facilities. Smaller Arrays are located atop several municipal buildings with some dating back to 2010.

The Town strives to be a leader in green innovation that will continue to serve the community for many years to come, with the installation of the solar array, conversion of LED streetlights, providing public electric vehicle chargers, and purchasing electric vehicle police cruisers.