Business Resources
Business Resources:
I. Financing:
Thomaston has several Maine based, regional and international lenders located nearby. Contact them first to determine if traditional financing can support all your lending needs.
Camden National Bank (207) 354-2541
First National Bank (207) 594-5900
Bangor Savings (207) 236-0180
TD Bank (207) 596-6641
Machias Savings Bank (207) 594-0390
Gap Financing Lenders: The list below identifies gap financing lenders that can help you close your deal.
Community Concepts Finance Corporation: (207)-333-6419
CCFC has been recognized by Maine’s SBA as the top performing microlender for several years. Our Business Advisors work one-on-one with individuals looking to determine their unique lending needs. Every loan client has access to our technical assistance services at no cost. We will help you develop and refine your business plan or existing operations with the end goal of making you traditionally bankable.
FAME: Finance Authority of Maine: 800-228-3734
FAME was established as Maine’s business finance agency and charged with supporting the start-up, expansion and growth plans of Maine’s business community. The agency began working closely with Maine’s lending community to improve access to capital as well as to help fill gaps that exist in the State’s capital delivery system.
Maine Technology Institute: 207-582-4790
MTI offers grants, loans, equity investments, and services to support Maine’s innovation economy. They support new ideas, products, or methods with the potential to grow and diversify Maine’s economy and increase the number of quality jobs throughout the state through direct support of innovators and through support of programs and infrastructure that encourage innovation.
Community Development Block Grant: 207-624-9800
The Maine Department of Economic and Community through the Office of Community Development offers funding programs to assist municipalities to achieve their community and economic development objectives in areas ranging from infrastructure, housing, downtown revitalization to public facilities and economic development
Northern Border Regional Commission:
A Federal-State partnership that was created to support economic and community development within the most distressed counties of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York.
II. Professional Associations:
The following is a list of trade associations that can offer assistance with professional development, international sales and advocacy within specific sectors.
Maine Retail Association:
Hospitality Maine:
Maine Manufacturing Extension Partners:
Manufacturers Association of Maine:
Bioscience Association of Maine:
Maine Composite Alliance:
Maine Association of Non-Profits:
Maine International Trade Center:
Maine Tourism Association:
Environment & Energy Technology Council of Maine:
Maine Health Care Association:
Technology Association of Maine:
III. Workforce Training Assistance Resources:
Maine CareerCenters provide a variety of employment and training services at no charge for Maine workers and businesses. They are the place to start when you’re looking for your first, next or a better job - or a whole new career. There are full-service centers, service points and partner providers located throughout the state. For a complete list of locations, visit:
Here’s a list of workforce programs that are used regularly in Maine:
Maine At Work Initiative:
The Maine-at-Work Initiative was created to help employers and job seekers learn of the many resources available to them
Submitting H2B Job Orders (job adds)
Use this site to help with posting of employment needs for the hospitality sector.
Maine Apprenticeship Program:
The Maine Apprenticeship Program assists in setting up structured, yet flexible training programs designed to meet the specific needs of Maine employers through on-the-job learning and related classroom instruction. Apprenticeship Programs can be sponsored by employers, employer associations, or labor/management groups that can hire and train in a working situation.
Competitive Skills Scholarship Program:
The Competitive Skills Scholarship helps workers learn new skills and Maine businesses access a qualified workforce to succeed in the changing economy. The program is open to eligible Maine residents with access to post-secondary education – including certificate programs and two- and four-year degrees – training for industry recognized credentials, and support leading to skilled, well-compensated jobs with anticipated high employment demand.
Maine Quality Center Program: (MQC)
The Maine Quality Center (MQC) Program funds customized workforce training delivered through Maine’s seven community colleges. MQC grants are available to fundpre-hire, post-hire and incumbent training. The program is designed to ensure that Maine businesses have the qualified workers they need to succeed. Grants for incumbent worker training may require a match based on company size.
Workforce Development Program:
Goodwill’s Workforce Development Program offers a progressive training method to prepare people with disabilities for competitive employment. Services include an evaluation of work-related skills, work experience and training in a competitive work setting in Goodwill stores and community internship sites, vocational evaluations, job readiness skills, job placement for people with disabilities, and retention services.
IV. Tax Reimbursements and Credits
Maine has several tax credit programs specifically designed to encourage the growth of companies in the state:
Educational Opportunity
Maine provides a credit to employers of college graduates who earn an associate or bachelor’s degree from an accredited Maine or non-Maine college or university and subsequently live and work in Maine. The credit is based on educational loan payments made during the year on behalf of the graduate/employee. Any unused credit may be carried forward for up to ten years.
Opportunity Maine Tax Credit:
Another credit supports the employee ‘s investment they’ve made in their education. Individuals that come here to live and work, and the State will reimburse their student loan payments via this program.
Research Expense Tax Credit
The credit is based on a percentage of the federal Credit for Increasing Research Activities. Limitations: the credit is limited to 5% of the excess qualified research expenses over the previous three-year average plus 7.5% of the basic research payments under IRC § 41(e)(1)(A). The credit is further limited to 100% of the first $25,000 in tax liability plus 75% of the tax liability in excess of $25,000. The credit cannot be carried back but can be carried forward for up to 15 years.
Employment Tax Increment Financing (ETIF)
Assists in the financing of business investment projects that create at least 5 Maine based net new, high quality jobs. An ETIF-approved business may be reimbursed 30, 50, or 75% of the state income tax withholdings from net new payroll for up to ten years.
Pine Tree Development Zones (PTDZ)
Offers eligible businesses in Maine the chance to greatly reduce, or in some cases, virtually eliminate corporate state taxes for up to ten years. Businesses are also eligible for up to 80% reimbursement of state income tax withholdings from net new payroll. Additionally, sales tax exemptions and reimbursements may apply for businesses engaging in Qualified Business Activities.
Municipal Tax Increment Finance (TIF)
Maine municipalities, working with project developers, can incentivize projects within their jurisdictions through Credit Enhancement Agreements. Any portion of the new taxes may be used to finance public or private projects for a defined period up to 30 years reimbursing anticipated property tax increases for up to 30 years.
Business Equipment Tax Exemption (BETE)
A 100% property tax exemption for “eligible property” first subject to tax in Maine on or after April 1, 2008 with no limit on the term of the exemption.
V. Sales Tax Exemptions
Maine state sales tax exemptions encourage investment in targeted sectors that are available for manufacturing, R&D, custom computer programming, fuel & electricity, and biotechnology. Questions about these credits can be directed to Maine Revenue Services at
Manufacturing: Sales of machinery and equipment used by the purchaser directly and primarily in the production of tangible personal property for later sale or use is eligible for a sales tax exemption. In addition, items consumed or destroyed directly or primarily in production, and repair and replacement parts for qualified production equipment are exempt from sales tax.
Research and Development: Sales of machinery and equipment used by the purchaser directly and exclusively in research and development is eligible for a sales tax exemption.
Custom Computer Programming: Any custom computer programming purchased by a business is exempt from sales tax. If a standard program is purchased, then customized, the cost of the standard program would be taxable and the customizing, if separately stated, would be nontaxable.
Fuel & Electricity for Use in Manufacturing: Manufacturers are exempt from paying 95% of the sales tax on fuel and/or electricity used in the manufacturing operation.
Biotechnology: Sales of machinery, equipment, instruments and supplies used by the purchaser directly and primarily in a biotechnology application are eligible for a sales tax exemption.