COVID Vaccine Clinic



Excerpt from PenBay Pilot:

The Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in partnership with Pen Bay Medical Center, will be offering weekly drop-in COVID-19 vaccination clinics in February.

Clinics will be open to community members ages five and older and will be held Thursdays, February 3, 10, 17 and 24, from noon to 6 p.m., at the Hampton Inn & Suites, located at 190 New County Road in Thomaston.

Community members attending the clinics will be able to get their first, second, third or booster dose.

Moderna, Pfizer and Janssen (also known as Johnson & Johnson) vaccines will be available. No appointments are necessary.

As a thank-you for getting vaccinated, Applebee’s Thomaston, which is located next door to the Hampton Inn at 194 New County Road, will be offering 10% off coupons for individuals who receive their vaccine at the clinics.

The COVID-19 vaccine is provided at no cost. If you have insurance, a fee for administration of the vaccine will be billed to your insurance carrier with no out-of-pocket cost to you. Please bring your insurance card with you.

For more information about COVID-19 vaccinations, including a list of vaccine sites in Maine, please visit