Knox County Hazard Mitigation Plan

Hazard mitigation is an action that reduces the long-term impacts of hazards (i.e. heavy rain, wind events, snow/ice) on the community including people, buildings, environmental systems, and other infrastructure. Hazard mitigation is also known as adaptation - or adjusting building and restoration patterns in such a way that acknowledge and account for potential hazards.
The hazards assessed in the municipally adopted Knox County Hazard Mitigation Plan, and that should be considered for a more focused risk assessment for are: Severe Summer Storms, Severe Winter Storms, Flooding, Wildfire, Landslide.


Help update the Knox County Mitigation Plan by participating in the Community Stakeholder Survey for Knox County's Hazard Mitigation Plan linked below.  The presentation from the February 21, 2024 Kickoff Meeting is also linked below with more information.