Thomaston Public Works Mission Statement It is the mission of the Public Works Department to provide a secure and reliable infrastructure for all members of the community while continuing to find innovative ways to improve the delivery of our services. Public Works also provides executive and administrative pollution control support to their operations. We perform maintenance of streets, drainage and traffic control systems in a manner that will provide a safe and efficient movement of traffic, and also maintain the flow of storm water through the enclosed drainage collection system. We strive to provide our residents with the best quality, responsive, and dependable service on a daily basis.

The Public Works Departments primary goal/objective is to maintain the roadways.

• Plowing, sanding, and removal of snow & ice

• Pruning town owned tree limbs and shrubbery to maintain a clear path of travel and vision

• Removal of fallen trees obstructing the roadway

• Patching pot holes

• Removing the buildup of debris on roadside shoulders in order to allow the surface water to access the ditches

• Keeping ditches clear of debris to maintain proper flow of water • Catch Basin maintenance

• Aiding in the maintenance of the sewer systems

Are there Any Parking Bans?

Parking Ban Ordinance 100.10-1 Municipal Parking Lots MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES - WINTER PARKING BANS Section 100.10 – “No vehicle shall be parked within the maintained limits of any street or sidewalk between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6 a.m., during the months of December, January, February and March, and no vehicle shall be parked at any other time on any public street or way so as to interfere with or hinder the removal of snow from said street or way by the Town, plowing, loading or hauling. The Police may cause any vehicle to be removed from the street and placed in a suitable parking space off the street at the expense of the person to whom, said vehicle is registered without the Town being liable for any damage that may be caused by such removal”. Section 100.10-1 “No type of vehicle, trailer box or flatbed shall be allowed to park between midnight and 6:00 a.m. and not after 8:00 p.m. during winter storms, in the Municipal parking lots with the exception of the area marked and designated MUNICIPAL OVERNIGHT PARKING from November 15 to April 1. The Police Department shall have the right to have any vehicle in violation towed at the owner’s expense”.

Does Public Works Pick Up Leaf Piles?

Currently, the town of Thomaston doesn’t participate in a leaf removal program. If you happen to see the Public Works Department staff picking up leaves, they are removing leaves from town owned properties including swales, catch basins, and some sidewalks. For the safety of your friends and neighbors, please do not add leaves to these areas or make piles on the edges of the road for a pick up. Doing so may create slick road conditions or hazards for everyone involved. We appreciate your help in this matter and want to thank you in advance your cooperation.