Recreation Department Information
The Thomaston Recreation Department offers programs for both children and adults in the community, ranging from youth sports, summer sports camps and senior programs. We offer a variety of programs for all age groups year 'round.
Sports Programs
The Thomaston Recreation Department runs youth sports for children in Kindergarten through 6th grade. We are part of the Mid-coast soccer league, Mid-coast basketball league and Oceanside little league. The leagues are made up of different local towns in the area. Soccer consists of Warren, Waldoboro, St. George, Cushing, Rockland, Owls Head, So. Thomaston, Rockport and Thomaston. Basketball consists of St. George, Cushing, Rockland, Owls Head, So. Thomaston, Rockport and Thomaston. Baseball/Softball consists of St. George, Cushing, Rockland, Owls Head, So. Thomaston, Rockport and Thomaston.
Thomaston has the following teams:
Soccer: (2) k,1st 2nd grade teams, (2) 3rd & 4th grade teams, (1) 5th & 6th grade boys team and (1) 5th & 6th grade team.
Basketball: Kindergarten clinic, 1st & 2nd grade clinic, (2) 3rd & 4th grade boys teams, (1) 3rd & 4th grade girls team, (2) 5th & 6th grade boys team and (1) 5th & 6th grade girls team.
Baseball/Softball: (1) T-ball team, (1) farm league team, (1) minor league softball team, (1) minor league baseball team, (1) major league softball team, (1) major league baseball team