Tax Collector - Donna Culbertson



The Tax Collector's Office is responsible for collecting and safeguarding monies received for various taxes, fees, and charges such as tax billing and tax payments.


Property Tax Information

The Town of Thomaston operates on a fiscal year bases July 1 through June 30. Taxes are raised at the Annual Town Meeting by the voters. Taxes are assessed to the owner of record as of April 1. Taxes are due in two installments in the beginning of December and the following first week in June. Tax bills may be view and printed from the Town website. Tax payments may be made in person at the Town Office, by mail or on-line at the Town’s website.  Customers who choose to use credit and debit cards will be charged a 2.5% processing fee by PayPort. There is a minimum fee of $1.00; processing fees are not retained by the Town of Thomaston. 


Tax Bills are available! Click here to view your bill. Hit CTRL+F or CMD+F to open a search box to search for your name or address to view your bill. Click here to pay your bill online.  


Taxpayers whose mortgage holder escrows their taxes, should contact their holder to see if it is necessary to forward their tax information to the mortgage company for direct payment to the Town.

Agents/Attorneys: If you are looking to request information for a closing, please submit a request to Donna at the Tax Office by email or fax . We will look into the request and send information back to you in the order in which it was received.