Town Clerk - Joanne Moulton
The Town Clerk is responsible for:
1. Maintains all vital statistics, including issuing marriage licenses, burial permits and providing monthly reports of same.
2. Issues hunting, fishing and dog licenses and makes monthly reports.
3. Acts as licensing agent within the municipality such as victualers, bowling alleys, pool halls, pinball and electronic games, refuse removal, amusements, itinerant salespersons, taxis and junkyards.
4. Prepares Select Board agendas and all resolutions and ordinances which must be approved by the Select Board.
5. Oversees all pre-election, election day, and post-election activities. Duties include hiring election clerks, preparing, issuing and receiving absentee ballots. Reports and preserves results of elections.
6. Serves as clerk to the Select Board, produces, distributes and indexes agendas and minutes, prepares and distributes packets for Select Board meetings in advance of their meetings and as needed, updates and distributes Town code.
7. Maintains records of all official business of the Select Board.
8. Notifies members of the boards and committees when their terms are about to expire.
9. Advertises all public hearings.
10. Administers all oaths for municipal positions requiring such.
11. Prepares, maintains, and reproduces as required all Town records and reports. Produces Town Report and Budget document. Maintains the Town's website.
12. Assists the Town Manager and Treasurer.
13. Receives calls and callers, prepares reports, minutes, letters and directives, researches and compiles necessary data or information for budget making process, grievance processing and collective bargaining, prepares and reviews confidential correspondence pertaining to legal matters concerning the Town, collective bargaining, and grievances.
14. Serves as backup for vehicle registration, sewer and property tax payments.