Traffic Advisory Committee
Thomaston Traffic Advisory Committee
Upon appointment by the Select Board, committee members shall consist of:
- Up to 7 (seven) community representatives
Town Officials from the following departments shall assist the committee when needed:
- Police Department
- Fire Department
- Public Works Department
- Planning Department
- Economic Development Committee
According to the Federal Highway Administration: “the primary purpose of traffic calming is to support the livability and vitality of residential and commercial areas through improvements in non-motorist safety, mobility, and comfort. These objectives are typically achieved by reducing vehicle speeds or volumes on a single street or a street network.”
Thomaston’s Traffic Advisory Committee (TTAC): shall be tasked with serving as the liaison between the public, emergency services and police departments, and the town government in the development and implementation of Thomaston’s Traffic Calming Policy.
The Committee will have two roles:
1.Creation of an over-arching traffic calming policy for the town. This will include:
a. Establishing a structured procedure from evaluation of resident traffic calming requests through implementation of traffic calming devices
b. Developing guidance in alignment with state and federal policies
c. Conducting public engagement sessions to gather community feedback and provide information on the policy development process
2. Traffic calming policy implementation: Once Thomaston adopts a traffic calming policy, the committee will be responsible for periodically reviewing and evaluating traffic calming requests as well as updating the traffic calming policy as needed.
Committee members will be required to develop basic knowledge about best traffic calming practices from resources such as the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the MaineDOT Guidelines for the Use of Traffic Calming Devices.
Meeting Frequency: TTAC will meet on a monthly basis until the policy is drafted and finalized. The meeting frequency to review traffic calming requests will be decided upon in the policy development process.
Select Board Approved 08/27/24